Narberth Havurah members gather together to study and learn about the ways that Jewish texts and traditions can help us to navigate the world we live in and enrich our lives.
Our Wine and Wisdom Series provides a monthly opportunity for adult learning and discussion following our monthly Shabbat Potlucks. Wine and Wisdom focuses on various topics: the Torah portion of the week, holidays, Jewish wisdom on current events, and more. A time to connect with each other, learn from each other and from our tradition.
Other opportunities to learn are offered throughout the year, with at least one adult series offered each year, to focus in on a particular topic over time. Rabbi Simcha is always open and interested in hearing what topics are of interest to Havurah members. If you have ideas for topics that you’d like to see covered or events that you’d like to help plan, please contact Rabbi Simcha.
Please check our calendar for upcoming adult education events.