“We truly feel like we have found a home at the Narberth Havurah.”
welcome to our community!
There are two parts to being a Narberth Havurah member:
This Havurah is YOURS. We encourage you to become involved with the Havurah beyond attending services and events. Participating in our social action activities (Tikkun Olam), bringing food to members who are in a time of need, or taking an active role in our leadership are core to our principles. There are plenty of opportunities to contribute your skills, or even learn new ones, on behalf of the greater community. We are small enough that we cannot rely on someone else to do the work. Because of that, each person’s contributions matter.
Dues + Contributions
We rely solely on member contributions to sustain operations and to provide our community with the practice of Judaism that members have all come to know, love, and cherish. But, please do not assume that because we are a small, intimate community, we do not need funds. Simply put: it takes money to sustainably run the Havurah for this year and for years to come.
Dues can be paid in full or semi-annually, with equal installments due on August 31 and on December 31, 2024. We are happy to discuss alternative arrangements on a case-by-case basis.
About the Helping Hands Pledge Level
Our policy at the Narberth Havurah always has been to welcome all prospective members regardless of their ability to make a financial contribution. Still, our operating costs continue to increase. We ask those members who are able to offer more than the recommended membership rate to do so – your Helping Hands will support those who are unable to help financially. The very basis of our community is our families – there is indeed strength in numbers. Please consider this as you select your pledge level.
The stated Helping Hands amount is a suggestion based on our annualized operating budget, but we are grateful for whatever additional financial support your household can provide, even if it is not the suggested amount.
To join or renew your membership for the 2024/2025 year:
Want to Speak with someone first?
If you have any questions, please contact us at membership@narberthhavurah.org. We will be happy to talk with you about the Havurah, put you in touch with our rabbi, or connect with other members as makes the most sense for you.
We look forward to seeing you at a Havurah event!