Since the Narberth Havurah began in 2005, we’ve had many opportunities to gather together, and each time we’ve been left with an appreciation for and excitement about our growing community. We’ve met in participants’ homes, in Narberth churches, and in neighborhood parks. We’ve had countless potluck dinners, homemade hamantashen, and wonderful camaraderie.
“I love that the Narberth Havurah is non-judgmental. You can be as quiet or loud as you want, wear what you want, attend when you can, and come with whatever level of observance or religiosity that is meaningful to you. ”
We welcome people of all faiths, backgrounds, ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, gender, and marital status. We pride ourselves on being a community where all are welcomed with the wide embrace of open arms; where every person is valued and feels the warmth of our caring community.
We are dedicated to making a spiritually uplifting and educationally stimulating environment for ourselves and our children, recognizing the power of our tradition’s values that guide us us in our pursuit of peace, social justice, and a purposeful Jewish life.
We celebrate the present, knowing that we are neither beholden nor shackled to the tragedies or triumphs of the past. We believe that practicing Judaism in the 21st century involves translating more than 5000 years of history into contemporary living within a global community. We are building an empowering Jewish community, in which all have the opportunity to share in leadership and decision-making, and all are encouraged to contribute their gifts.
We strive to balance Jewish traditions and culture with innovation, merging creative expression, music and interpersonal connections in worship and in play. We are committed to creating a healthy planet for people, plants and animals through sustainable choices and activities both communally and in our daily lives.