Havurah members’ vision of community is about showing up and working together – not just for events but also showing up for one another in times of need and collectively for our broader community.
Chesed, the Hebrew word for lovingkindness, is a foundational value in Jewish life and in the life of our Havurah.
“Olam chesed yibaneh; the world is built with lovingkindness” (Psalm 89:3)
“Acts of kindness are greater than giving charity. Charity can only be done with one’s money, while acts of loving-kindness can be performed with the heart”. - Rambam (Hilchos Aivel 14:1)
The Chesed committee is a group of members who share in reaching out and caring for members who are ill or mourning, and who may also be called upon at times of celebration to be of support and to make sure families know that their Havurah family is celebrating right along with them. Our offerings may involve preparing meals, making phone calls, sending cards, or even running errands or picking up kids if someone is housebound.
We believe that a caring community requires both those willing to share their ups and downs in life, as well as those who are willing to respond. We encourage members to let us know when you or someone in your family is ill physically or mentally, when there is a death, or simply when a helping hand is needed. As a community, we seek to embody generosity, open-heartedness, and actions that show we care.
If you have any questions or want to be added to the Chesed committee, please reach out to Jim Speer at
““When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.” ”