Jewish Holidays
“We finally have found a place where our entire family can comfortably learn about our faith and experience it first-hand.”
The cycle of the Jewish calendar is a foundation of Jewish life, with its many holidays, delicious foods, traditions passed from generation to generation, meaningful rituals, and spiritual wisdom.
From the joyous welcoming of Rosh Hashanah and the contemplative marking of Yom Kippur, to gathering outdoors for a great potluck and decorating of our Sukkah, to our Hannukah party as winter descends, where the competition for our Gotta Latka contest is fierce, to a Tu B’Shvat celebration of the trees and of nature, and a Passover seder that feels like “one big family” around the table, and on to a celebration of Torah when Shavuot arrives in the spring, the Narberth Havurah community gathers. Come and celebrate with us!
Like our Shabbat services, the success of our holiday gatherings depends on volunteer hosts, who work with Rabbi Simcha and our programming co-chairs to coordinate efforts and make sure that all the pieces are in place.