Join Havurah friends and members in supporting Eliza's Bat-Mitzvah project at JRA! Packing begins at 10AM. Around 11AM if you choose to reserve a route, you will deliver boxes. Please register in advance by going to:
Can't make Distribution, but want to support Eliza in supporting JRA? Here's How!
1. Warm Clothing Drive for Kids: You can drop off NEW KIDS socks, mittens, hats and scarves (dollar store is great!) to the Green's home through Friday, January 17th - there isa bin in front of the garage labeled JRA.JRA when we go back next month.
2. Make Caring Cards: You can drop any cards off in the JRA box as well! at my house if we aren’t home. These will go in the boxes to JRA recipients. Instructions on what to in/exclude in cards can be found here.